Seal Coating & Asphalt Repair
Seal coating is an amazing thing. It protects asphalt from sun damage, and prohibits water from penetrating the asphalt. This extends the life of the asphalt, reducing more expensive repairs and delays the need for an asphalt overlay.
It's like a new coat of paint, only for your driveway.
It's like a new coat of paint, only for your driveway.
Applied with a sprayer or a brush onto existing asphalt, the water-based tar coats the surface and dries quickly, leaving an eye-catching dark black color behind.
Beyond its fresh appearance, it seals cracks, fizzures, and imperfections in the topcoat of asphalt, reducing oxydation, drying and sun damage, and prohibits water from penetrating below. This extends the useful life of the asphalt significantly, and is proving to save significantly over the long run.
We have all the equipment necessary to complete any size sealcoating project.
Beyond its fresh appearance, it seals cracks, fizzures, and imperfections in the topcoat of asphalt, reducing oxydation, drying and sun damage, and prohibits water from penetrating below. This extends the useful life of the asphalt significantly, and is proving to save significantly over the long run.
We have all the equipment necessary to complete any size sealcoating project.
Main Benefits of Seal Coating:
Gives the surface a water-resistant topcoat
Fills small cracks and fissures, reducing expansion and contraction of asphalt
Reduces oxidation, drying & sun damage
Returns drive to deep grayish/black color adding curb appeal
Gives the surface a water-resistant topcoat
Fills small cracks and fissures, reducing expansion and contraction of asphalt
Reduces oxidation, drying & sun damage
Returns drive to deep grayish/black color adding curb appeal
Asphalt Repair & Restoration
Deep cracks require some special attention. We fill them with hot rubber. We can also fill voids under pavement if cracks are very deep.
Hot Rubber Crack Fill: Seal coating can only solve so many issues. It's limited to smaller cracks. When we run into larger cracked asphalt driveways and roads we may have to use a melted rubber to fill the cracks before seal coating the driveway or road. If the cracks are extremely wide or deep, we may need to fill the cracks and gaps first, and then use the rubber over the top.
Asphalt Restoration & Repair: It's common to find a few very worn areas, areas that have alligator cracks, missing asphalt, or standing water. We can fix these with hot mix asphalt or in some cases patch them with a rubberized liquid prior to seal coating. If a driveway has gone too long without seal coating or asphalt repair it may have to have an asphalt overlay in order to cover the damage. Few companies have the ability to patch asphalt, fill cracks with hot rubber, and seal coat.
Seal Coating Q&A
What types of damage on my driveway can be seal coated?
Damaged areas that appear intact and not loose can be sealed as long as cracks are attended to with hot rubber. Areas with deep potholes, significant areas of loose asphalt chunks, missing areas need extra attention prior to seal coating. The photo below shows what would not be a good candidate for seal coating alone because the spray needs a somewhat even base to adhere to. We would dig this out and repair with Hot Mix Asphalt.
Damaged areas that appear intact and not loose can be sealed as long as cracks are attended to with hot rubber. Areas with deep potholes, significant areas of loose asphalt chunks, missing areas need extra attention prior to seal coating. The photo below shows what would not be a good candidate for seal coating alone because the spray needs a somewhat even base to adhere to. We would dig this out and repair with Hot Mix Asphalt.
A Hot Mix Asphalt repair is needed here as this photo shows damage too severe to seal coat.
What does Hot Rubber look like?
It is melted and put down with a pot that spreads a line a few inches wide, sending hot rubber down into the crack to seal it. It looks like the photo below.
It is melted and put down with a pot that spreads a line a few inches wide, sending hot rubber down into the crack to seal it. It looks like the photo below.
This photo shows cracks that are filled with hot rubber crack fill.
How much does sealcoating a driveway cost?
It's not a very expensive endeavor to seal coat a driveway. If loads of hot mix asphalt are required to fix damaged areas the price will be higher because hot mix asphalt is a higher priced material. We can walk you through the anticipated expense over the phone or in person. Perhaps filling in the online request form would give you the insight you need as far as price. Rest assured, seal coating a driveway saves thousands over replacing a worn driveway. Deferred maintenance on driveways is a doozy compared to keeping it sealed.
It's not a very expensive endeavor to seal coat a driveway. If loads of hot mix asphalt are required to fix damaged areas the price will be higher because hot mix asphalt is a higher priced material. We can walk you through the anticipated expense over the phone or in person. Perhaps filling in the online request form would give you the insight you need as far as price. Rest assured, seal coating a driveway saves thousands over replacing a worn driveway. Deferred maintenance on driveways is a doozy compared to keeping it sealed.
How do I know if I need Seal Coating on my driveway?
If you have a driveway that is a lighter grey color, appears to be worn by the sun or looks dry, you probably could use a fresh seal coat. If there are small cracks appearing seal coating it could stop water from doing additional damage.
If you have a driveway that is a lighter grey color, appears to be worn by the sun or looks dry, you probably could use a fresh seal coat. If there are small cracks appearing seal coating it could stop water from doing additional damage.
How often should I Sealcoat my Driveway?
A brand new driveway should not be sealed for about 6 months in order to let it fully cure. Otherwise, asphalt driveways should be sealed every 3-5 years here in Texas. Some customers seal every year, while others wait many years. That's up to you, but prohibiting water from penetrating the surface is the key. Any amount of time that accomplishes that is a win!
A brand new driveway should not be sealed for about 6 months in order to let it fully cure. Otherwise, asphalt driveways should be sealed every 3-5 years here in Texas. Some customers seal every year, while others wait many years. That's up to you, but prohibiting water from penetrating the surface is the key. Any amount of time that accomplishes that is a win!
How long does Seal Coating take?
We usually seal a road or driveway in a day, but have had plenty of jobs that are two days or more, depending on size.
We usually seal a road or driveway in a day, but have had plenty of jobs that are two days or more, depending on size.
How long does it take before I can drive on a Seal Coated driveway?
We recommend you stay off a freshly sealed driveway for 24 hours. This curing time could be extended if it is cold or humid out, but we'll let you know what we recommend when we're done with the job. Some neighborhoods we can't stop people from driving on if we're seal coating a road, but for the most part a day of drying would be enough to safely drive in and out. Hard turns and burnouts could leave marks in the first few days so drive straight in and out without turning while parked wherever possible.
We recommend you stay off a freshly sealed driveway for 24 hours. This curing time could be extended if it is cold or humid out, but we'll let you know what we recommend when we're done with the job. Some neighborhoods we can't stop people from driving on if we're seal coating a road, but for the most part a day of drying would be enough to safely drive in and out. Hard turns and burnouts could leave marks in the first few days so drive straight in and out without turning while parked wherever possible.
What time of year can I Seal Coat my driveway?
Seal Coat benefits from warmer and dryer temperatures. Here in Texas, we seal driveways from about March to November.
Seal Coat benefits from warmer and dryer temperatures. Here in Texas, we seal driveways from about March to November.
Can I Seal Coat my own driveway?
Yes. Homeowners are capable of sealing their own driveways if they have the personality and patience for it. You'll likely experience some issues, but it can be done. The reason professionals are used for seal coating is because we have the equipment necessary to streamline the process, and the experience to do it correctly.
We believe a professional is a better option simply because the cost to have us do it is so low.
By the time homeowners buy the equipment, ruin clothes, and spend a bunch of time planning and executing the job, it offers little value to the homeowner. Simply put, if it is just a little bit more money to have a professional do it, it's done with superior material, looks great, and it's done in a day it's well worth a minor extra expense.
Homeowners tell us it's not a project worth doing unless you're really into this stuff.
Yes. Homeowners are capable of sealing their own driveways if they have the personality and patience for it. You'll likely experience some issues, but it can be done. The reason professionals are used for seal coating is because we have the equipment necessary to streamline the process, and the experience to do it correctly.
We believe a professional is a better option simply because the cost to have us do it is so low.
By the time homeowners buy the equipment, ruin clothes, and spend a bunch of time planning and executing the job, it offers little value to the homeowner. Simply put, if it is just a little bit more money to have a professional do it, it's done with superior material, looks great, and it's done in a day it's well worth a minor extra expense.
Homeowners tell us it's not a project worth doing unless you're really into this stuff.
In the end, we like to see every property first to know how we'll go about restoring it to its former glory. If it needs just seal coating we let you know that. We assess other damage and come up with a game plan. From there, we pack things together into an estimate for your approval. We break down various sections so it is easy to see what the different areas we've found include so you can make an informed decision. We like one job to take care of all your problems instead of hiring multiple contractors to address individual items.